Great News from Sorrowstorm (black metal from Panama)
This is Felipe Diez "Ogrus Storm," informing you that our website http://www.mp3.com/sorrowstorm has 11 full length songs on it for you to download!!! If you are hungry for black metal (or not), then it would definately be a treat for you to download these songs!
1. You can download them all, so that Sorrowstorm (a christian band) can go up in the black metal charts, thus telling the black metal world that Christians can and will succeed. You will be helping a great cause while listening to brutal black metal with good production!
2. You can burn as many copies of these mp3s into CD as you want. Pass them out to your friends, etc. Have them on your hard drive so that you can listen to them every time you go to the computer, and burn them so you can put the songs in your car or stereo!
3. If you have a zine, radio, or some form of media, you can review the mp3s!
Sorrowstorm has been touring Panama lately with great success. Evangelism has led to a few people receiving Christ and many more people getting into Christian extreme metal. You can help us in our trek to take God's word further and further.
If you like what you hear, please tell a friend about us. I would appreciate feedback on the 11 songs or some kind of feedback about anything, or even just to say hello, but please help us and download, download, download....it doesn't have to be now, it can be later, so take your time.
God bless all of you, Phil
1999-2025 @ HOLY NOISE