4 Years Still Online celebration
4 Years Still Online celebration, The Frontline club, Gent.
01-02-03/05 * (B) Torn To Pieces(D), Ophiolatry(BR), Imp(NL), Exterminator(B), Jack Slater(D), Seventh Nemesis(FR), Desensitised(NL), Burial(NL), + more @ 4 Years Still Online celebration, The Frontline club, Gent.
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BANDS ON THE ROAD: * The deathmetal bands Coercion (SWE), Putrefied (NL) and Deifecation (NL) formed a package and are looking for gigs from May 1st till May 4th (eventually may 5th) in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany. They ask 550 euro and catering for 16/18 persons. Contact: ehbosick@hotmail.com.
THE MOSHPIT, some show reviews