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Elfonía: Newsletter 03-2003


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DISPONIBLE EN TIENDAS El disco debut de Elfonía se encuentra disponible en tiendas de la ciudad de Monterrey (Saharis, Music & More, Mercado Fundadores and Pulga Mitras). ¿Fuera de Monterrey? Haz click aquí para mayor información de cómo comprar en línea (próximamente estará disponible un carrito de compras electrónico).

5 de abril, 2003 Pool Zone | Monterrey (MX)
IN STORES NOW! Elfonía's debut album is now available in stores in Monterrey, Mexico; you can find the CD in Saharis, Music & More, Mercado Fundadores and Pulga Mitras. Go to www.elfonia.com for information on how to buy the album outside Monterrey.

april 5, 2003 Pool Zone | Monterrey (MX)



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NUEVAS ACTUALIZACIONES DEL "MADHOUSE METAL WEB´ZINE", VISÍTALO EN: http://usuarios.lycos.es/madhousemetalweb Y/O www.madmetalweb.rockk.net UN SALUDO & \m/METAL FOVER\m/: BONY "MADHOUSE

REPUGNANCIA WebZine: Publicación


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Saludos cordiales.... Escribo para informarle que BOHEMIOS Producciones muy pronto estará lanzando a la venta su FanZine impreso NAZGUL Zine. BOHEMIOS Producciones también edita por Internet: REPUGNANCIA WebZine, está invitado a visitar ésta página web.... En ella encontrará fechas de conciertos a realizarse, noticias, biografías, reporte de escenas, enlaces a otras páginas interesantes y mucho más.... No se olviden de firmar mi Libro de Visitas.... Agradecemos a todas las bandas y personas que están colaborando con nosotros.... Todos aquellos que deseen publicitar su información pueden comunicarse con conmigo.... Bandas, sellos y personas interesadas en colaborar con algún artículo o trabajo y aparecer en el próximo número ponerse en contacto, pueden escribirnos a nuestros correos.... Por favor los archivos mayores a 100kb enviarlos a jorgeandresamaya@yahoo.com o repugnanciazine@yahoo.es Muchas gracias por todo....

Frontline metalnews maart 3


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Hi everybody, here is some metalnews
The pix of Saturday 15, March Suhrim, Insanity Reigns Supreme are online now. The pix of Friday 14, March Spawn Of Possession, Disavowed, Inhume, Vile are online now.
About the metalmarket : It will take place the 4th of May (Sunday) . There are still some tables available for interested bands/distro’s/ …
We want to organise a metal market, so if you are interested to show your merchandise, let me know. We can use the club (downstairs) and the backstage (upstairs). There are allready a few distro's confirmed, but I want also bands, labels, musicshops and it's even possible to get rid of your old guitar and amp. And of course you don't have to pay for your space.
That’s it for now. Cheers, Hendrik

sui generis out


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Ya tenemos disponible el nuevo número de Sui Generis, por favor pónganse en copntacto los seguidores del real underground!!!

SteelMadness Issue 69, March 2003


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Added to the database:
HUMAN MASTICATION, Philippines brutal death
MAELSTROM, India/USA metal zine
MG-34, Malaysia war death metal
RASPATUL, Singapore death thrash
THREINODY, India heavy metal
News on:
Worldwide Metal Links: Miseria (Finland) , Divine Circle (Sweden) , Independent Sickness (USA) , Valah Metal (Romanian Metal Site)



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Hello again Extreme Music Lovers!! Music Extreme #23 is online now at www.musicextreme.com !! We have surpased the 30.800 visits from over 90 countries in the world!! I am going to give you some details of what we have on this issue: INTERVIEWS: All Parallels Barata Calm Site Coherent Liquid Form Crowhead Katafalk Necromemisis CDs AND DEMOS REVIEWS: There are 118 reviews on this issue.



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The Ravagers have completed the recording of the new album NAXZGUL RISING, an Obscure and Brutal piece of Metal of Death has been created. The Second Episode in Ravager’s Destructive Ascension is already written. The album is planned to be released for the second half of 2003.

DESERT ROCK PROMOTIONS: MASSACRE / FUGITIVE Records heavy metal band CAGE confirmed to play at the MILWAUKEE METAL FEST in July 2003


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San Diego, California heavy metal band CAGE has been confirmed to make their first ever appearance at the Milwaukee Metalfest XVII to be held on Friday and Saturday, July 25 & 26, 2003 at the U.S. Cellular Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. CAGE will be supporting their upcoming new release "Darker Than Black" which will be released in Europe on April 22, 2003 through Massacre Records. "Darker Than Black" will be released in the USA through Fugitive Records, a joint (Cage-Desert Rock Promotions) venture during the early part of June 2003.

Still Online services : Bang That Head newsletter #196


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* The gothic-dark metal band Let Me Dream (FI) (jani.koskela@letmedream.com) is looking for a gig in Benelux, Germany on Saturday April 26, 2003. The band is on tour then and has this open day to fill in.

* KIJU (IT), Italian neothrash metal band, are searching for an Austrian/German band with which to book and play a mini-tour in these countries in May 2003. One gig is almost booked, now the band is searching for other 2/3 gigs. Contact Millennium Promo Agency (IT) (info@millenniumagency.net.

* Mantra (Costa Rica) (mantrametal@hotmail.com) are looking for gigs all over Europe. The band want to travel to Europe in June 2003 and they are looking for promotors, venues, fests, ... where they can play. The band plays deathmetal and what they ask is a sleeping place for 3 persons and 250 Euro. The band exists since 1989 and now they released their 5th album Creature and want to promote the album with an European tour.

WOA NEWS 03 / 2003


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Dear Metalheadz ! At last : S L A Y E R in Wacken!!! Headliner on Saturday, Aug 2 Night to Remember, July 31: VICTORY (Hannover, Germany) is back - Exclusiv Reunion Show!! Also confirmed - new: IN FLAMES + SOILWORK + MASTERPLAN


To order your ticket online, click here: http://www.metaltix.com/artikel_list.php?Artikel_Art=VER&Artikel_Kat=7&Artikel_Gruppe=1&Show_Action=Art_List

For more information about the confirmed bands and festival info, please check our website at http://www.wacken.com . Tickethotline: + 49 4627 18 38 38 or http://www.metaltix.de

ZAMAK : http://www.zamakzone.com


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hail to all people we have our new web site www.zamakzone.com you can visit now and sign the guestbook cheeersss stay metalic trace

FearSomeRecords : Update news & gigs Mortuary IOD


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The sick old-skool death trashers of Mortuary IOD have returned with a new promo. This assault upon the world is more brutal and more intens then before! The band has worked hard on these new songs, full of fury and utter agression. Don't miss out these maniacs, unleashing their terror upon humanity. Battles have been planned for the following dates and places:
April 4th, Mukkus, Leeuwarden, Netherlands with Mortuary I.O.D. and Lethargy
April 11th, Belgium with Mortuary I.O.D (NL), Battalion(B), Cursed(F), Emeth(B), Devoured (B)
April 18th, frontline,Gent, Belgium with Mortuary I.O.D. Inhuman Hatred and Devoted to Hate
April 19th, kiehool, Bergum, Netherlands with Mortuary I.O.D., Kronos, Inhuman Hatred, Torn To Pieces, Temple Of Eternity and Sublistrus
May 3th, Ons Huis, Sint Annaparochie, Netherlands, Mortuary IOD, Autumn, Incursion Dementa, Desert Sons
May 16th, beatclub, Dessau, Germany with Mortuary I.O.D and Torn To Pieces
June 7th, trapman, Schagen, Netherlands with Mortuary I.O.D, Hammerhawk and 88 Circles Above
Juli 25th, talentschuppen, Steinfurt, Duitsland with Mortuary I.O.D and Hexenhammer

Still Online underground news : Bang That Head newsletter #195


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* The bands Withering Surface(DK) and Pandemonium(SWE) want to make tour through Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and The Netherlands. They are looking for promotors, venues, clubs fro gigs. Contact is JCM rec. (US) (jcmrecords@hotmail.com).
* The heavy metal band Thoten (BR) (thoten@thoten.com) is looking for dates in Europe for june and july 2003. The band will play in italian Gods Of Metal Festival 2003 will be happen on june 8th. Promoters, agencies and organizers please keep in touch for other dates. The band plays for food + place to sleep + transport since Italy (for any place in Europe) and US$ 320,00. This is the second tour of Thoten in Europe. More information and booking, please contact support agency Archaes Legeones Management on archaes_legeones@hotmail.com .
* The death and grindcore bands Inhuman Hatred (B) (inhumanhatred@yahoo.co.uk), Mortuary-I O D (NL) and Torn To Pieces (D) formed a package and are looking for gigs. Espacially they are lookingfor a gig in The Netherlands on April 20, 2003. The bands are playing in the north of The Netherlands on April 19. But gigs on other dates are welcome too.
* The neothrash band Kiju (IT) (info@kiju.it) is organising a European tour between April 25th and May 3rd, 2003. The band is looking for stages to play. The band released an album on Adipocere records (FR) and are distributed by Twilight Vertrieb distribution (D) and Metal Age (SK). The band will take their full backline with them
* The blackmetal band Mörk Gryning (SWE) is looking for some gigs in Germany, The Netherlands, France. The band will play in belgium the first of May 2003 in Belgium. They are looking for gigs on 2-3 and 4 May don't have a backline with them and they aska cold mael when they arrive and a hot mael in the night and drinks. They want also beds to sleep in (no hotel needed). Contact: demonizer666@hotmail.com.
* Morrigan (D) (balor@freenet.de) will do an European tour together with Abigail(LP), Eminenz(D) and Mystrifier(BR). It is planned for Spring 2004. They are looking for contacts, promotors and interested venues where they can play.
* Esicastic (IT) (esicastic@tin.it) is looking for live dates all over Europe. The band plays a melt of jazz, extreme metal and electronic rock. If you are interested you can ask for a promo pack. Samples are available @ www.mp3.com/esicastic.
* Fetuxion (L) (fetuxion@yahoo.com) is looking for brutal death, black or grind bands who want to play in Luxembourg on April 12, 2003.
* The brutal deathmetal band Purulent (Colombia) will be on tour in Europe in April 2003. The band is still looking for some dates in Benelux. The band will play on April 6 in Belgium @ The Frontline club and the day after in Leiden, The Netherlands but they need some more gigs from April 8 till April 11. Contact: Vladimir (fleshless@tiscali.cz)
* Krueger (BR) (info@krueger.com.br) is a death thrash metal band looking for dates to USA tour on july/august 2003. Krueger will tour between july 12th and august 09th. They need for tour only transport between american cities + food + place to sleep. For booking dates please contact the responsible agency on archaes_legeones@hotmail.com .
* The thrashmetal band Metharia (IT) (info@metharia.net) is looking for dates in Italy and all European territory. They need place to sleep + transport + food. For booking dates please contact the responsible agency on archaes_legeones@hotmail.com .



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CHECK OUT www.evilmorgue.com for the latest news and other website updates ...Don't forget to join our mailing list.



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Intie of SOLDABLEURKTHAL (French putrid gore violent grind) and AHUMADO GRANUJO (ultra offensive grinders from Czech with Alienation mental members) on Impaired zine and in the following days THE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS Also bunch of incredible news (Jaro came back in DEAD INFECTION and so on), thousands of reviews (official and others in any supports…)

DEFORMED ASS - grind/hardcore/crust


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Hey! Check the totally updated and re-designed website of russian grind/hc/crust band DEFORMED ASS: http://www.metalprovider.com/grindgore/deformedass Don\'t forget to download some mp3s and sign guestbook! So, that\'s all for now, Bye, Andrey



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Arremete con más fuerza por su segundo aniversario ¡¡¡¡¡¡
Portada en papel couché. CD de regalo. 44 pàginas. Demasiada info.
Entrevistas a: The Haunted. Kalmah. Dies Irae. Serpent´s Blood. Endless Grief. Valinor. Asmodeus. Merodac.
Biografías de: Umbrae. Serpent`s Blood, Mictlantecuhtli, Atrum, Eterna, Etereum, Raped God, Soulless, Magan.
Articulos. Poesía y Prosa. Ruidos Embrujados (escena local), Un vistazo a la cuava del oso (El origen de el día de muertos), Mexican Scene, Noticias (locales, internacionales, y nacionales), Tesis del Heavy metal part 2.
Conciertos. Tristania, Edguy y Haggard en Monterrey.
Reseña: de Zines, demos, CD`S, y tapes.

DESERT ROCK PROMOTIONS: Preview 3 new songs from the upcoming CAGE- "Darker Than Black" cd courtesy of Massacre Records (Germany)


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Click on the following link to listen to the following CAGE songs from their upcoming cd "Darker Than Black" to be released on April 22, 2003 in Europe: http://www.massacre-records.com/flash/cagespecial/special.asp Philadelphia Experiment (click small monster on left) Kill The Devil (click large monster in middle) Eyes of Obsidian (click large warrior on right)



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Negura bunget - 'n crugu bradadului (8/10)
Daemonlord - Aarstrand (7/10)
Funeral inception - Anthems of disenchantment (7/10)
Blackout - Blackout (7/10)
Spawn of possession - Cabinet (7/10)
Beauty of desolation - Cold emotions (8/10)
Ellipsis - Comastory (5/10)
Cumchrist - Cumplete (6/10)
Mortem - Death is my name (6/10)
Horrified - Deus diabolus inversus (7/10)
Thou art lord - Dv8 (7/10)
Gurd - Encounter (5/10)
Ever since - Fight the elements (9/10)
Negative creeps - In uterus rebirth (3/10)
Scarvenger - Live promo (4/10)
Macabius - Macabius (6/10)
Malmonde - Malmonde (8/10)
Kiju - Nothing to play for (5/10)
Searing skull - Pagan realms (8/10)
Scent of flesh - Roaring depths of insanity (6/10)
Obliterate / din addict - Split obliterate / din addict (6/10)
Mourning beloveth - The sullen sulcus (7/10)
Maze of torment - The unmarked graves (6/10)
Aborym - With no human intervention (6/10)



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We are writing songs for the new album, tentatively titled: "The New Age Of Terror" and we have just been confirmed to appear at this year's 'Bang Your Head' festival in Germany. Here's the link... check it out: www.bang-your-head.de/home.htm I'll let you know more European tour dates when we have them. www.HIRAX.org Pass the information along to anybody you know...



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Este 16 de mayo en Tlaxcala capital se presentará el grupo Pandemia, directo desde la Rep. Checa, promocionando su nuevo disco titulado PERSONAL DEMON. Para aquellos amantes del Death Metal, no se pierdan este evento. Evento organizado por SONIDOS CREPUSCULARES. INFO: sonidoscrepusculares@yahoo.com.mx http://es.geocities.com/sonidoscrep/ y http://www.pandemia-deathmetal.com/



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Hello, how is going? I’ve taken your address and contact in Aeturnus Draconis. I am the publisher of ROCK UNDERGROUND, the FOURTH BRAZILIAN HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE. I would like knowing if you could send me promos from your label. We will review your material in next edition. My address is ROCK UNDERGROUND AT Julio Cesar Bocater, Rua Rogerio Armelin Guanaes, 360 apto 76, Penha – SP/SP, CEP 03732-160, Brazil

Opus Draconis from Portugal


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Hail here Aeturnus of Opus Draconis from Portugal. I invite you to visit my website and feel free sign our guestbook! Comming soon 28/03 mini -cd "Necrodesecration of Christendom" You can buy with the Band or Sephiroth prod.and Distr. Best Satanic Regardz!! Aeturnus

DESERT ROCK PROMOTIONS adds Mexico's CRUZ DE HIERRO to their band management company roster


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USA based Desert Rock Promotions is proud to announce the addition of Mexico's Progressive Metal masters CRUZ DE HIERRO to it's band management company roster. CRUZ DE HIERRO is made up of talented musicians: Ernesto Bringas (Electric, acoustic, synthesizer guitars, backing vocals); Alejandro Carrera (Lead vocals and backing vocals); Héctor Naranjo (Keyboard, piano, backing vocals); Fernando Ramos (Bass, contrabass, backing vocals) and former member of international progressive band CAST, Antonio Bringas (Drums and percussion). The self-titled debut CD by CRUZ DE HIERRO was released in 2000 through Musea Records of France (www.musearecords.com). The CD received international press acclaim due to its awe-inspiring compositions, virtuoso performances and powerful lyrics. Soon afterwards, they were invited to perform with Brazil´s ANGRA, Finland´s STRATOVARIUS, and Spain´s ANGELES DEL INFIERNO among others throughout Mexico. Visit CRUZ DE HIERRO'S official website at: (www.cruzdehierro.net), where you can download MP3 files of songs from their debut album and other special surprises.

My Beloved Darkness... e-Newsletter


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My Beloved Darkness... e-Newsletter (ex-Infest Newsletter) WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM OF THE MAJESTIC ART OF METAL AND DARK MUSIC!!! Tons of information about the world underground!!! Content of this edition News: Latest news, new releases... Underground Zone: Bands, magazines, newsletters... Special: Satyricon - Norway / Black Metal Records - Labels Zone: Tons of information... Interview of the Month: Enthroned / Infernal Black Metal from Germany

GOREGIASTIC RECORDS : Newsletter / Distro Update 03-01-03


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NEW SIGNING! Finnish hyper sick gore grind death heroes TORSOFUCK have signed on to Goregiastic Records to release their debut full length cd "Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy" after an astonishing split cd with LYMPATHIC PHLEGM on Bizarre Leprous Production from Czech Republic. TORSOFUCK will be hitting the recording studios this month in order to lay all the extreme and sick brutality previously showed in their split cd but even more grinding, guttural and severe than before!! Fans of the sickest and most extreme gore grind death on earth, prepare to be quartered and dismembered by these European butchers! Release date: Summer 2003.

Novedades - Cancerberus Webzine


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El sitio esta totalmente actualizado. Desde nuestro ultimo mail hasta el dia de hoy, mas de 40 bandas nos enviaron su informacion. Todas nuestras seccion fueron actualizadas, nuevo MAILORDER, nuevas entrevistas, nuevos MP3 y mas. Visiten el sitio y no olviden firmar el libro de visitas. Envianos tu banner, la infor de tu banda, zine, sello u otro y la agregaremos en la seccion correspondiente.



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Marzo / 8 / 2003 - Bar "Fe de Ciegos" (ubicado en Calzada de las Bombas #784, México D.F., tel: 56-73-29-90)

Abril / 18 / 2003 / 21:00 hrs. - Feria de la Ciudad de México ( en el Palacio de los Deportes, ubicado en avenida Río Churubusco, esquina Añil, S/N, en el escenario de "Recepción")

Abril / 21 / 2003 / 19:30 hrs. - Feria de la Ciudad de México ( en el Palacio de los Deportes, ubicado en avenida Río Churubusco, esquina Añil, S/N, en el escenario de "Recepción")

Abril / 23 / 2003 / 17:30 hrs. - Feria de la Ciudad de México ( en el Palacio de los Deportes, ubicado en avenida Río Churubusco, esquina Añil, S/N, en el escenario de "Recepción")

Abril / 25 / 2003 / 19:30 hrs. - Feria de la Ciudad de México ( en el Palacio de los Deportes, ubicado en avenida Río Churubusco, esquina Añil, S/N, en el escenario de "Recepción")

Urshurark Official Site: www.urshurark.com


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Dear friends, we want just to tell you that the Urshurark official site are moved to www.urshurark.com, please update yours bookmark. Best Hellish Regards Luca, Claudio, Mark, Stephan, Markus

Axon en Deus Mortuus Prods.


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Que tal bangers!! Tengo el orgullo de informarles que despues de unas negociaciones, "axon" ya ha firmado contrato para la producción y distribución mundial de su primer "cd-lp" con el sello: deus mortuus productions de california usa!! Siendo "axon" la primer banda poblana de metal en lograr lo antes mencionado!!! tambien les agredesco su apoyo que de una u otra forma nos han brindado. Metal pesadooo rules!!!! Saludos y cuidense. We' re in the touch of the devil!!!!!



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Hello Everyone Back with another week of updates to check out. Once again a host of stuff from a variety of writers. Two new interviews thanks to Justin Donnelly and Kev Truong with Kev also providing a gig review and Justin a couple of the 11 new cd reviews. Other reviews supplied by myself, Jem Sommerville, Alan Christensen and we welcome a new addition to the team, Abraxas, who will be helping out with the underground black/extreme side of things.



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Hello Check www.fearsomerecs.nl.nu about the activities of the label!! Greetings

4 Years Still Online celebration


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4 Years Still Online celebration, The Frontline club, Gent. 01-02-03/05 * (B) Torn To Pieces(D), Ophiolatry(BR), Imp(NL), Exterminator(B), Jack Slater(D), Seventh Nemesis(FR), Desensitised(NL), Burial(NL), + more @ 4 Years Still Online celebration, The Frontline club, Gent.

Check out our section

BANDS ON THE ROAD: * The deathmetal bands Coercion (SWE), Putrefied (NL) and Deifecation (NL) formed a package and are looking for gigs from May 1st till May 4th (eventually may 5th) in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany. They ask 550 euro and catering for 16/18 persons. Contact: ehbosick@hotmail.com.

THE MOSHPIT, some show reviews

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