País | Country: MÉXICO
Estatus | Status: ACTIVO
Fecha de registro | Register date: 2002-05-11
WARCRUSHER es engendrado bajo en nombre de AWFULNESS
en agosto de 1999 en Querétaro Mex. , tendiendo inicialmente la siguiente
alineación: Victor : bateria, Elvia: Guitarra , Carlos: Bajo y Antonio :
voz,la banda se presenta en un par de tocadas locales ,para los primeros
meses del 2000,Arturo(exbajista -vocalista de la banda de Death metal
DOMAIN) se une a AWFULNESS,algun tiempo después los integrantes optan por
cambiar el nombre a WARCRUSHER nombre que va más a corde a la tematica de
la banda ,la guerra total y absoluta, Arturo completa la alineación en la
guitarra y coros,se empieza a componer nuevo material y se realiza una
grabación en julio del 2001 se graban 5 canciones propias en lo que sería el
demo debut con el titulo "ENGENDERING KATAKLISMIC WRATH", algunos de los
temas son: Anihilation Heralds ,Holy Fire of destruction, Armageddon´s
throne,..y sale en enero del 2002 bajo el sello independiente American Line
Productions .WARCRUSHER ha tocado junto a bandas como Ravager, Prohibitory,
Mar de Dolor, Oxidased Razor,Beholding Sings y muchas otras recibiendo
magnificos cometarios de la gente , las influencias de la banda van de
Morbid Angel ,Bolt thrower, Suffocation a Cannibal Corpse, Deicide entre
otras pero siempre en la vena de la vieja escuela del death
metal,actualmente la banda se encuentra componiendo nuevo material para una
proxima grabación.
WARCRUSHER is engenderedin augustof 1999, under the awfulnes name, after several rehersals they come a couple of local play, having victor: drums, elvia: guitars, carlos: bass, and antonio: vocals, months later, he is integratedto the bandin the 2° guitar and chorus arturo, former bassist and vocalis of the band ( domain rip) , and this way with but it forces and hate is opted to change the name to warcrusher, name that he goes but chord with the thematic of the band that is the war total absolute devastation, already for the month of july of the 2001 that is recorded that is the first official demo, engendering kataklismick wrath that leaves in januaryof the 2002, under the label american line prod's, to be given to know in the national scene, being given a very good acceptance on the part of people, beign presented to play in different states, with band's like pulverized, disgorge, ravager, prohibitory, anarchus, paracocci..., oxidased razor, mar de dolor, beholding signs, raped god, etc. But is until july of the 2002 that the vocalist of the band opts to leave, beign july 20 the last play with him, after a couple of rehersals, an agreement is given with arturo, charge of the voices is taken, already having the experienceof havingsung previously, and until the moment it is not planned to make any change in alignment and thematic, since the joining had been very good to take out ahead warcrusher, having this way the participation in the brutal fest 2002, and at the moment be working in what will be the new material for the next recording.
Contact : Arturo Luyando
Nevado de Colima 209
Col. Palmas
c.p. 76040
Querétaro Qro.